Process Automation

The recent breakthroughs in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have opened the flood gates for improvement within any and all organizations. Competition from young nimble start-ups is challenging well established industries everywhere. As a result, your business processes must improve and streamline in order to stay relevant. If you’re not already looking into reducing the input required to make a rotation in your cycle, you certainly should start.
Too often processes are created and implemented out of an immediate need, solving the problem at hand without understanding the effect it will have as it becomes a part of day-to-day operations of a business. The result when approaching the process of automating then, usually involves redesigning or rearranging these need based solutions that have proven to lack scalability, or repeatability. EFS builds through developing and adapting industry best practices from framework to user interface, designing with efficiency as the primary goal. After all, if routine tasks can all be handled by software, the employee has more time and energy to concentrate on the customers.
Using Machines
There have been three business revolutions to this point: the industrial, electrical, and electronic. Each of these improvements created a massive change in the amount of “work” an individual was capable of doing. We are currently in the middle of the fourth revolution, the digital revolution. EFS is able to provide guidance and support to make sure your business is able to capitalize on this tidal wave of opportunity.

Business Intelligence, or the collection and use of business generated data for the function of improving processes. It sounds complicated, but really it's just stepping back from your day-to-day responsibilities and using what you already know to improve your actions moving forward.

Internet of things, little sensors everywhere collecting data and sending it up into the "cloud". The amount of information that is collected each minute from all over the globe is staggering. For businesses with the fore site to invest in incorporating this data into their processes, the sky is the limit.

Materials handling systems use robots that directly replace manpower. Receiving, moving and packaging product without the need for human intervention. The improvements in both time and accuracy that are possible can only be described as amazing.