Trading Partner Integrations

Imagine a day when your team no longer needs to hand enter Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Invoices or generate the related documents. It’s no longer a pie-in-the-sky wish. EFS can create this level of connection and collaboration with your trading partners for you. The key to integrating business systems is having a deep knowledge of the underlying data models required to communicate electronically. Lucky for you, we have compiled that know-how and will work for you to make this wish a reality.
System-to-System communication, when implemented correctly, is the fastest and most trustworthy form of data transfer between trading businesses. Setting up a direct connection via EDI, or custom API removes the need for manually creating the transferable business objects relied upon for trading. EFS creates solutions that establish and maintain a constant and reliable connection with vendors and clients utilizing the latest technological trends.
Data Exchange
Getting data “over the wire” in an organized, mutually understood fashion is not a herculean task. It’s not simple, but it is easy if you have the right tooling in place on both ends of the communication. EFS knows the tooling required and in fact, we can even custom build a solution if the requirements justify it.

Electronic Data Interchange is the process of transferring data between two trading organizations. Several standards are in use depending on industry and geolocation i.e ANSI ACS X12, EDIFACT, and GS1.

Application Programming Interfaces are the modernized version of the data exchange process. Powerful as they are, the lack of proper standards means integrations often require an extra layer of involvement.

When all else fails, we get creative. Transferring formatted data is not rocket science (though for some it probably feels that way). Machine-to-Machine communication is our bread and butter.